Services / Liquidity Creation
Liquidity Creation
Improve liquidity management through enhanced cash flow forecasting, working capital administration, and novel opportunity identification to free up cash resources.
In distressed scenarios, developing cash generating initiatives is crucial. Working alongside management, we create detailed liquidity forecasts from the ground up pinpointing opportunities for working capital enhancement in both the short and long term. Within this process, we assist the company in establishing cash management principles to ensure the longevity of improvement measures implemented.

Uzzi & Lall professionals provide essential liquidity management and accurate financial projections necessary for productive discussions with creditors and negotiating terms of forbearance.
Services Offered
  • 13-Week Cash Flow Forecast
  • Financial Modeling
  • Quality of Earnings Analysis
  • Business Planning & Evaluation
  • Design and implementation of cash generating initiatives
  • Debt capacity & capital structure assessment
  • Asset Divestiture Assessment